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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Tips for caring for your new ferret.

Ferrets can live for 10 years or even longer. How long your ferret lives depends on how you care for them. So if you want to enjoy this friendship for the long term, it is best to continue reading.
One thing you have to know about ferrets is that they are nocturnal creatures. They sleep mostly during the day and can sleep for up to 18 hours or more. However, when they are awake, they are very active and would love to play with you.
But how do you care for a ferret? Since ferrets need to eat, you must give them food that consists of meat and poultry products that are rich in protein and low in fat. You must never give your ferret anything that is high in sugar and carbs as this could cause health problems. The same goes for food intended for other animals such as cat food or dog food.

Giving your ferret water is also very important. You can give this to them in the form of a bottle or a bowl as they too get dehydrated easily. If you use a bowl make sure it is secured to the cage as your ferret could easily tip it over.

Your pet should also have a roomy cage to stay in. Ideally, this should measure 18" x 18" x 30". Some owners may purchase a multilevel cage so they can go up and down instead of just staying on one level. The cage should be escape proof so your ferret is not able to get out when you are not home.

It will also be a good idea to buy toys for the ferret to play with. You should make sure that these will withstand their razor sharp teeth because they may swallow it. Since ferrets also need exercise, you can bring this out with you and go for a walk provided that your ferret has a leash.

The ferret should only be let out of the cage with proper supervision. This will prevent them from chewing cords, carrying away small objects, swallowing things or escaping out the house which is better known as ferret proofing your home.

So there are not stains on the carpet, it is best to toilet train the ferret. You can do so by buying or making a litter box and then putting some waste there so it knows that this is the place to go when they have to answer nature's call.

To further reinforce this thinking, it is best to reward them with a snack. This approach can also be used to teach them to do other tricks. One example is using a squeaky toy which tells them to come running back to you if you are not able to catch them. Other tricks which are also taught to dogs are fetch, play dead or roll over.

But if you have a baby ferret, you should start first with kitten food for the first three years before buying ferret food. This should be done gradually of course and you can add a few other items like meat or poultry bones and snacks like cereals, fruits and vegetables in moderation.

Don't forget to bring your ferret for his or her regular checkup with the vet. States that allow you to own one require you to have it vaccinated once a year.

You will have a great time caring for a ferret as long as you have followed the directions mentioned above. Who knows? You might want to get another one as other have because the more, the merrier.

Monday, August 30, 2010

What is an Albino Ferret?

The albino ferret is a common sight because they are now domesticated creatures. They do not have any coloring on them except for its red eyes and a pink nose. In fact, many owners prefer the albino ferret because it is easier to find them, especially in the dark.

No one knows why there are albino ferrets because no one has ever conducted a study on it. But if we follow the results of similar studies, chances are the answer is the same.

The three possibilities are: a mutation that prevents the body from manufacturing color pigments. This mutation prevents the body from recognizing the proteins that produce the pigments or the body does not have enough proteins to make it. In most cases, a mutated gene is the culprit.

Studies have shown that the albino ferret has problems with its sight. This is normal but this is compensated by their often heightened sense of hearing and smell.

Those who are interested in owning an albino ferret should contact an animal shelter or a breeder.

There are two colors of ferrets and they are sable and albino. The albino condition is genetically recessive of sable so if a sable female ferret that does not carry albino genes mates with an albino male, all their offspring will be sable but they will still carry the albino gene. If a male and female ferret that carries the albino genes are bred together, 25% of their kits will be albino.
But you won't know if the kids will be colored white or sable when they are born because all ferrets are white at birth. The color won't show up on your ferret unitl they are 4 weeks old.

Whether you decide to get an albino ferret or something else, you will stay have care for them in the same way. You will have to feed it the right kind of food, give it water, bring it to the vet for vaccinations, purchase a cage, toys, accessories and most importantly, give it some tender loving care.

Albino ferrets can be potty trained to use litter bos and taught to do a few tricks. It will just take some time to work, but by giving a light snack as an incentive, they will soon be able to do whatever you are teaching. Since they tend to smell after a while, it is best to given them a bath weekly.
The albino ferret should also be brought out the cage when it wakes up so it can run around and play. They are after all, friendly and sociable creatures that may soon become your best friend.

If ever you don't like the red eyed albino ferret, you can choose to get a ferret that has black or blue eyes.

Color should not be the main factor when you decide to get a ferret. This is because there are other things you have to watch out for such as their eyes and their behavior. The more playful they, the better, so that if you come home from work and need someone to cheer you up, your ferret can come out and make everything better.

Remember that the ferret is a friendly and social little mammal that seeks constant attention when it is awake even if its only for a few minures or an hour.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Six Great Tips for Training Your Ferret

Training ferrets is both a daunting and exciting task. You never know what to expect! However, if you are a true ferret lover, you know that every drop of perspiration is truly worth it.

Ferret Training Tip Number 1: There is a lot of excitement and expectations that besets every eager ferret owner. If you really want to keep the training a positive experience, be patience. If you rush your ferret to do tricks even for a single second, they will have it etched in their memory and may not be as open for new tricks the next time you try to teach them. Develop the relationship slowly and enjoy each stage.

Ferret Training Tip Number 2: Do it out of genuine love. Ferrets are lovable creatures with high instincts. If they feel threatened in any way, they will quickly scurry off your grasp and you will be back to square one in the training process. Save yourself some heartache by ensuring that the training is not mainly performance- based but something that you will genuinely out of love for your ferret and the desire to have it belong in your household in the best possible way.

Ferret Training Tip Number 3: Get some tips from experts. Experts may have their own tricks up their sleeve to training your ferrets. There are risks with ferret training. Many things could go wrong as you train your ferrets. Having someone who can help you with the training of your ferret is a substantial importance. Aside from this, the ferret may benefit by having a senior ferret accompanying them as you train them. This way, they will have a fellow ferret for them to emulate. Just make sure that the senior ferret is trained well and this will quicken the training process of your new pet ferret.

Ferret Training Tip Number 4: Brush up on your background knowledge. Hate biology? Well, if it's for your ferret, you need to brush on some of the basic things you need to know about your ferret such as: color, type, age, behavior, etc. Background knowledge will save you time. Doing this research will also answer most of the questions you might encounter as to why your ferret responded a certain way when you did something.

Ferret Training Tip Number 5: Establish a set time and place for training your ferret. Consistency is the best way to train your ferret. Stick to a schedule. Associate it with the indoors and your home if possible so that the ferret will be conditioned to always be at their best behavior. Once they have mastered the tricks at your specified place, slowly deviate and have them do the tricks at another place so that they can be more versatile in their learning.

Ferret Training Tip Number 6: Develop an instinct for your ferret trainee. If your ferret is sick, under some form of attack or unusual condition, they may not be open for training. Heighten your senses and be attuned with your pet's pain tolerance. Though they are generally strong creatures, you need to have regular checkups with the veterinarian to ensure that they are fit and ready to be trained with  for new tricks. The adjustments may take a toll on them, considering the fact that these ferrets are naturally wild.

There are no clearcut rules in training ferrets. In fact, there may even be some unexpected events that can occur midway in your training. Despite the desire to achieve results with your ferret, do not sacrifice important things such as health and ability or to roam free at dusk or dawn. This way, they will be as happy as you are training them and making your ferrets into better pets.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

How do I care for my ferret?

You can buy a ferret from a pet store or a breeder. It is also possible to get one by driving down to the animal shelter. Since they have the ability to live for a long period of time just like your cat or dog, it is best to know what you need to do.

First, ferrets are nocturnal creatures that sleep mostly during the day. When they wake up, you shouldn't just tap the cage or look at them but rather let them come out so they can run around and play. When this happens, make sure all cords are secure, small items are hidden, and there are no small spaces that they can squeeze into. This will prevent them from getting lost or getting hurt. Also, make sure shoes are put up because ferrets are known to dig the sole out of the shoe and hide it.

These mammals live on a strict diet and you should be aware that they are carnivores. This means they can only be fed meat or poultry products because they need a lot of protein. There are ferret food products in the market so you better stock up to avoid the mistake of settling with cat food instead.

Aside from food, ferrets need lots of water. You can do this by putting this in a bowl or a bottle. It is advisable to put this in a bottle so the contents do not spill. Ferrers are notorious for tipping the bowl over so if you use a bowl make sure you have a way to secure it to the cage.

Your ferret can never be left in the house by themselves, especially if you have to go out for awhile. This is what the cage is for and you can get one that measures 18" x 18" x 30" or a little bigger. The key here is that it is spacious enough for them to move around especially as they grow.

Getting your ferret a few toys is also advisiable. This will be useful if you have to come home late from work so they will have something to do until you return. The toys you buy must be able to withstand their sharp teeth. Ferret toys should replaced when worn or damaged.

The only way to keep your ferret and your house clean at the same time is to potty train your ferret so that waste is on the litter box and not all over your carpet. You can do so by putting some waste inside the box and carrying them to it when you see that they are about to do go potty. The key thing to look for is the classic 'back-up' move. Once your ferret starts backing up you need to get them to the litter box quickly. Stand near the box and put them back in it if they try to crawl out. Once they go potty, praise them and give them some food or a treat or a favorite toy. This trick can also be used to teach them how to do some neat tricks to amuse guests that drop by.

The pet ferret should also be brought to the vet occasionally. States that allow you to own a ferret require owners to give them a vaccination once a year and keep the receipts for proper documentation.

Some would say that the best time to buy a ferret is when it is very young because they are easier to train compared to those that are much older. But regardless of age, how things go will be entirely up to you and your commitment.

Ferret care is difficult but not impossible. If you are able to handle it, then you are sure to enjoy the company of your furry friend for years to come and you may even decide to add another one to your household.

Friday, August 27, 2010

What do I do if my ferret bites me too hard?

Ferrets bite hard. That's not an option, but it's a sad risk ferret owners have to consider. It can happen to anybody at anytime when a ferret is nearby. But there's no need to panic. Most bites are not harmful, but precautionary measures must still be taken properly.

How are Ferret's teeth structured?

Ferrets' teeth are in many ways similar to the design of human teeth. But the lethal part in the ferret's teeth would have to be the tip of their canines. That is the sharp part that some owners decide to cut off  when it first starts growing to avoid ferret bites from ruining the whole ferret experience.

The good thing is that ferrets' canine tips can naturally break off from excessive biting of objects. Giving them hard toys they can chew, for example, can help eliminate the threat of your ferret's sharp canines.

Ferret Bite Tip 1: Assess the extent of the damage. If you are bitten, the very first thing to do is to see how deep the bite is. If it is just a minor scratch, clean the wounds but do not make any dismissive presumptions. In the case of a major bite, you need to have it checked immediately.

Ferret Bite Tip 2: Clean the wound immediately with your first aid kit. Cover it afterwards. Having a first aid kit is very beneficial for both you and your pet ferret. Wash  the wound with soap and water, clean it with peroxide, cover it with gauze, and if all else fails proceed to the next step. Note the color of the wound and make sure that the blood flows for a considerable amount of time before cleaning it up.

Ferret Bite Tip 3: Go to the nearest doctor. Seeking the help of a medical professional will help you have the objective assessment of the wound. It will also ensure that you do not acquire any infections from the ferret bite.

Ferret Bite Tip 4: Have the ferret checked by the veterinarian. It is not just you who needs to be checked but you also need the help of your veterinarian to have your ferret checked. You should also have the dentures of your ferret checked to see if there are any remnants of skin or anything unusual that came from the bite. This is to ensure both your health and the ferret's health remain uncompromised.

Ferret Bite Tip 5: In the case where one ferret bites another, have them both checked and keep them in separate cages until the tension dissipates. In the case of ferret to ferret bites, you will have to have both of them checked with a veterinarian. If at all possible, analyze the causes of the hostile behavior. Eventually, you may have to combine them in a single place again, but make sure that this is done with utmost care and in a gradual manner.

Ferret Bite Tip 6: Stock your first aid kit now for both humans and ferrets. Your ferrets must also have their own first aid kit, furnished with pretty much the same thing that the human first aid kit has except that all the objects are downsized to suit your furry creatures.

Exert caution in treating wounds of your ferrets, otherwise they will see it as an attack and might bite you as you try treat their wound.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What do I look for when buying a ferret?

If you want to own a ferret, you will probably have more luck buying them from a breeder or a shelter instead of the pet store. This is because it takes some effort to care for these animals especially since they need constant attention.
For those who happen to find a breeder using either the newspaper or the internet, it is best to ask for photos. If you like the ferret, you will have to fill out some forms and then pay for the ferret, and it's ready to be taken home on the same day.

Ferrets can be purchased at any age. If you want to raise a new born ferret, make sure to ask the breeder about caring for it. Although these cute little creatures can already see, their vision is limited to a certain distance. You have to keep there eyse clean at all times to prevent injuries. As they grow older, it is best to potty train them using a litter box.

Adults on the other hand are quite different but just the same, they have to be toilet trained and your home has to be ferret-proofed to prevent damage to your home or your new pet.
The price of a ferret depends on their size and age. On average, they cost around $75 to $175. Aside from that, you will also have to purchase a few other items like a cage with food and water bowls, a litter box, toys and vaccinations.

Another thing you need to know before going buying a ferret is finding out if it is legal to own one where you live. You can do so by checking with the local wildlife and game department so if you need to get a license, this can be done to avoid any problems later on.

When buying a ferret, pay close attention to the eyes, their coat, and especially their behavior. The more active the creature is, the better. If you are worried that the ferret might reproduce later on, no need to worry because they are usually spayed or neutered.
Once the ferret has been purchased, the task of taking care of the ferret is in your hands. Although it sleeps for more than 18 hours a day, once it is awake, it is very active and you need to let it out of the cage and let it run out. However, be prepared. Ferrets are very curious animals and will literally get into everything. Make sure cabinets are locked, trash is put up, and make sure your car keys aren't in reach. Ferrets have been known to like shiny things like keys. They will grab them up and hide them somewhere like in a chair.

To keep it healthy, you need to find a vet that is qualified to handle ferrets. If the one vet near where you live is not able to do the job, ask around for someone that can.

Food is one of the most important things to consider for your ferret. They need to eat poultry or meat products that are high in protein and have low levels of fat. You should also avoid giving products that are rich in carbs and sugar. You must never substitute the food that is intended for other animals to prevent health problems. To keep them clean, given them a bath every so often.

Ferrets are cute creatures. If you have seen one on television or in the movies and want to own one, look around because you are sure to find ferret sellers near you.